Running Analysis

Running analysis is a way to assess a runner’s biomechanics throughout their stride cycle and look for any abnormalities that may contribute to current or future injury. Running analysis may also be useful to identify technique improvements that can increase running economy and speed. At Glebe Physio, we can perform detailed running analysis and provide you with individualised advice that includes:
- Exercises to address any physical deficits and improve strength or range of motion of relevant areas.
- Technique drills to address any biomechanical abnormalities and improve your running form.
- Specific training program advice to ensure you adapt to your improved running form in an efficient way.
We are physiotherapists that understand the mechanics of the human body, and we also understand the importance of working with each individual to achieve a running form that suits their physical structure.
Why should I have my running technique assessed?
In general, the human body automatically adopts movement patterns that are the most efficient and suitable for the individual, as it learns through repetition and training how to improve its own performance. On many occasions however, the body adopts small abnormalities in the way it moves due to injury, inappropriate footwear or deficiencies in strength and range of motion. During a 30 minute run, each leg will impact the ground 2,700 times, which means that any small abnormalities in running form can quickly lead to injury and effect economy, which results in poor performance.
It is important for all runners to have their running technique assessed, together with a careful assessment of their strength, range of motion and endurance. This can help to prevent injury and maximise running speed for any distance.
After an injury, it becomes even more important to assess running form, as the body often adapts to the injury by adopting technique errors that do not necessarily resolve themselves when the injury recovers.
How do I book in to have my running technique analysed?
Book a standard initial physiotherapy appointment with us and we can perform a running analysis, assess your strength and range of motion, check your footwear and prescribe an appropriate training program in the one appointment. We will then usually ask you to return at some point to reassess your running technique and ensure the program is working.
Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
No. Physiotherapists have been first-contact, primary healthcare professionals in Australia since 1976. That means that you can book a physiotherapist appointment without seeing your doctor first. Many of our patients are referred from GPs and specialists but many choose to see us themselves.
How much does an appointment cost?
For our latest pricing, please see our fees page.
Do you accept private health insurance?
Physiotherapy is covered by private health funds as part of “extras” cover and we have HICAPS facilities to charge your health fund on the day of the appointment. The amount that your private health fund pays will depend on your policy.
Is physiotherapy covered by Medicare?
Physiotherapy is generally not covered by Medicare but you can get part funding from Medicare through a Chronic Disease Management Plan if your GP refers you with one of these.
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